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10 Tips on How to Travel for a Cruise

To start off our list, the first tip that I can give you from personal experience, is to pack EXTRAS. Whether it be socks, underwear, pants, shirts ALWAYS bring extra. You may have packed in the past and not run into emergencies, but you should always be ready for emergencies. It could even be as simple as spilling ice cream on your piece of clothing but you should always bring extra. My second tip that I can give off of personal experience, is to always pack a week before. It is always good to pack early because you have more time to think about what you are bringing over several days. I have had several times where I have forgotten to pack something because I was in a rush or I wasn’t thinking about it. Packing a week early gives you more time and thought about your luggage. My third tip that I can give you guys is to remember the basic items. You may be an overthinker like myself and think about what to bring and what not to bring. Well remember the basics! Socks, pants, shorts, bathing suits, t-shirts and shoes. The fourth tip that I can give you is to dress for where you are going. You aren’t going to bring snow pants and long sleeve shirts to the bahamas. Why would you?! So remember your destination and think about its environment. The fifth tip that I can give you guys is to remember your toiletries. I see many people forgetting their toiletries and expecting the cabin to have all that they need. Well those people are wrong. Bring your own toiletries! My sixth tip that I can give you guys is to keep your passports and other paperwork inside of your luggage. You may ask why shouldn’t I? Well you should keep them inside of your luggage because putting them in separate bags can make things more complicated and you can easily miss placing them and if you lose that bag then you have lost everything. The seventh tip that I can give you based on personal experience is to keep your wallets, purses and other personal items inside of your luggage. I had one time where I had accidentally misplaced it because it was out. I never used it but I had to search all over the airport for it. Thankfully I found it but if I had just kept it in one place I wouldn’t have run into the problem in the first place. It makes carrying everything around the airport a lot easier and having everything in one place makes everything a lot less complicated. The eighth tip that I can give you guys is to not worry about bringing required medication. Airports and cruises have no problem with prescription medications so do not worry about bringing them. My ninth tip that I can give you guys is to leave a little bit of room in your luggage. Remember guys you are coming back. You will most likely see something you would like to buy and bring it back home. Well you need room in your luggage to do so, so don’t pack so much junk! My final tip to you guys when packing for a cruise is to not bring unnecessary items. I have had countless times where I have brought stuff that I haven’t used once. Still bring emergency items, but don’t bring useless items like food, drinks, sport equipment etc. But at the end of the day guys just use common sense and think ahead. If you use both of those you will have a successful vacation! #Top10cruisetips #travel #packing #10 #howto #cruise #airport #simpletravelsolutions #travelwithkids #takeacruice #royalcaribbeancruisewithkids

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